Message from the Chair

Dr. Suephy C. Chen
At Duke Dermatology, we strive to create an environment that recognizes that diversity in our workforce and our focus in providing care to diverse populations. Only when we achieve such levels of equity-mindedness will we be equipped and empowered to deliver on our core academic missions to our fullest ability. To achieve such goals, we need to be deliberate in challenging ingrained habits, understanding unconscious bias, and educating ourselves about differences of skin biology, skin disease manifestation, and impact of skin problems in skin or color. We need to have the courage to have these difficult conversations and at Duke Dermatology, we strive to have such courage.
Message from the Vice Chair for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Dr. Sarah Wolfe
Welcome to Duke Dermatology! A highlight of the Duke Dermatology residency program is that we value the unique gifts and backgrounds trainees bring to our program and recognize that we thrive best when we embrace diversity within our department and surrounding community. In particular, we’ve established a robust curriculum that improves focus on education in the areas of skin of color dermatology and recognizing the role of unconscious bias in health care. Additionally, we have established community connections with local public schools to contribute to pathway initiatives for underrepresented students and have maintained relationships with local community health centers to provide volunteer dermatology care to our most underserved community members. To be better dermatologists, we aim to engage in continual growth in a drive to provide equity and uphold an inclusive environment for our colleagues and patients. We actively seek resident trainees who also wish to embrace these efforts in their time in training and future career.