Duke Clinics

While on their Duke rotations, residents see patients in outpatient clinics at the Duke South Clinic, Patterson Place Clinic, Dawson Hall Clinic, and the South Durham Clinic. Since Duke is the major private tertiary care center in the Southeast, physician and hospitals refer complicated cases from all over the region. Duke is also a primary care facility for the people of the city/county of Durham and surrounding cities/counties. When our residents rotate through outpatient clinics, they focus on either general dermatology or specialty dermatology. We have a robust and experienced group of general dermatologists. We see primary care dermatology patients from the surrounding communities, as well as complicated medical dermatology referrals from North Carolina and surrounding states. Most of our faculty also hold specialty clinics.
Durham VA Medical Center

The dermatology service at the Durham VA Medical Center has active inpatient, outpatient and consult services. The clinics are staffed by our Dermatology faculty. There are general dermatology clinics, acute care clinics, procedure clinics, laser clinics, and teledermatology at the VA. Our first year residents have their weekly Resident Continuity Clinic at the VA. The VA Chief rotation (2nd and 3rd year) is an excellent experience which includes consults, dermatologic surgery, dermatopathology, general dermatology clinics, high risk skin cancer clinics, teledermatology and administrative experience.
A resident-staffed Dermatologic Surgery clinic is held two times per week in which outpatient surgery for both benign and malignant skin disease is performed. The inpatient consult service provides dermatologic consultation to the entire hospital. Immediate dermatologic consultation is provided to all VA outpatient clinics, as well.
Pediatric Dermatology

Dermatology residents rotate through an active pediatric dermatology clinic located at Patterson Place. Our patient population comes from both internal Duke Pediatrics referrals and external referrals from pediatricians and dermatologists from across the Southeast. Hospitalized infants and children are seen in consultation with the pediatric inpatient service. Residents have exposure to pediatric dermatologic surgery and laser therapy. Didactic sessions are held within the framework of the conference schedule to familiarize trainees with the full spectrum of pediatric dermatology. During the course of their training, residents develop expertise in the diagnosis and management of common and unusual skin diseases of infants, children and adolescents.
Dermatologic Surgery

Mohs Surgery
The Mohs Surgery Unit provides residents with training in cutaneous surgery. Dr. Jonathan Cook and Dr. Chris Stamey direct clinics located at Patterson Place and Wakefield, respectively. Although the clinical emphasis is on Mohs Surgery, residents are also exposed to a variety of common dermatologic surgical procedures during this rotation. These include routine operations (complex standard excisions, nail surgery), reconstructive procedures (skin flaps, skin grafts) and dermabrasion. First, second, and third year residents rotate through these clinics.
Procedural and Cosmetic Experience
In addition to the Mohs surgery component of surgical training, residents rotate through general procedure clinics, nail procedure clinics, and cosmetic clinics. In addition, our residents work with our general dermatology attendings who perform dermatologic surgery, including excision of benign and malignant lesions, nail procedures, acne surgery and destruction of benign lesions. Our third year residents take care of the surgical needs of our resident continuity clinic patients in resident procedure clinics. There are also resident cosmetic clinics several times per year in which residents administer Botox, fillers, and learn other cosmetic procedures.
Laser Clinic
Increasingly, laser therapy of skin conditions is a part of everyday dermatology practice and knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of laser will be useful for appropriate advice and referral. You will observe and participate in the use of laser surgery for a diversity of skin conditions. Dr. Claude Burton oversees our laser procedures and the Resident Laser Clinic. The Resident Laser Clinic offers the opportunity to independently evaluate the patient, explain the procedure, obtain informed consent, and treat the patient, with attending supervision. There is also a Resident Laser Clinic at the VA hospital and opportunity for laser use at Patterson Place clinics.

Dermatopathology Rotation
All dermatology residents undergo formal, supervised training in dermatopathology each year of their residency, rotating 1-2 months/year in the dermatopathology unit. Residents have an opportunity to review all of the day's slides prior to sign-out at a multiheaded microscope by the attending dermatopathology staff. This case material includes all the in-house skin biopsies and excisions performed at Duke University Medical Center and affiliated practices, all outside dermatopathology consultation cases including a large volume of melanoma specimens, and numerous histochemical, immunohistochemical, and immunofluorescence studies. Challenging cases are reviewed in a conference a few times per week with the dermatopathology attendings, fellows, and dermatology residents. Dermatology residents performing clinical rotations are encouraged to study the slides of their biopsies and excisions. Senior dermatopathology staff and fellows are available to meet with dermatology residents to review any cases, on an individually scheduled basis. Dermatology residents may also have the opportunity to spend elective time within the dermatopathology unit, performing research projects or reviewing particular topics of interest.
Didactic Conferences
The Pathology potpourri conference, directed by the dermatopathology fellows, reviews interesting recent dermatopathology slides and is held weekly throughout the year. This is conducted at a multiheaded microscope. The Pathology text-slide conference, covering topics in dermatopathology systematically, is held weekly throughout the year. The conference is run by the dermatopathology attendings and fellows, and is conducted at a multiheaded microscope, with additional viewing available from a TV monitor. The series is organized topically around a dermatopathology textbook. Residents have one week prior to the conference to review the corresponding chapter and slides. Review sessions on areas previously covered are also mixed in during the course of the year.
Duke Hospital Consults
Our residents participate in a strong hospital consult service at Duke. This is a predominantly second and third year rotation, with some introductory experience for first years. Our residents see inpatients on the adult and pediatric inpatient service, in the Emergency Room, and help to coordinate referrals and calls from physicians from within and outside Duke. They read dermatopathology slides of inpatient cases with the dermatopathology team. They are actively involved in the daily care of our inpatients.
Lincoln Community Health Center

First year residents actively participate in dermatology clinics at Lincoln Community Health Center. As taken from their website, “The Mission of Lincoln Community Health Center is to provide comprehensive primary and preventive health care in a courteous, professional and personalized manner. As a leader in the provision of community health care, Lincoln Community Health Center is committed to collaborating with other institutions dedicated to the continuous improvement in services being provided to decrease health disparities, while assuring access to all.” This clinic focuses on providing dermatologic services to the medically underserved in our community. Faculty attend on a rotating basis, with Dr. Sarah Wolfe acting as anchor, as a monthly attending supervisor.
Clinical/Research Elective

Second and third year residents have the opportunity to do clinical and/or research electives during the academic year. This opportunity is dependent upon a variety of factors including the status of the resident, the purpose of the proposal, the timing and location of the elective, departmental resources and administrative issues. Examples of previous resident electives include an elective in Africa, an elective at the NIH, specialty electives at other academic dermatology departments in the United States, and administrative/research electives.