Tuesday AM
- Faculty lectures covering pharmacology, board review, kodachromes or subspecialty topics
Tuesday PM
- Monthly Inpatient Case Conference
Wednesday AM*
- *7:00-8:00: Monthly Dermatopathology session
- 8:00-9:00: Grand Rounds
- Guest and departmental faculty lectures
- Research faculty lectures
- Resident lectures (senior talks, challenging cases, Quality Improvement projects)
- Morbidity and Mortality conference
- 9:00-10:00: Dermatopathology
- 10:00-11:00: Bolognia Textbook Review - hosted by residents
- 11:00-12:00: Faculty Lecture, Board Review, Pharmacology lecture or Resident Meeting with Program Director
*Once monthly this didactic half-day is held on Friday PM instead

Thursday PM
- Duke-UNC Conference
- Quarterly Cosmetic Dermatology Lectures - with Dr. Zoe Draelos
- Quarterly Advanced Surgical Lectures - with Dr. Cook
Friday PM
- Monthly Journal club (held during the once monthly Friday PM didactic session)
Additional Curriculum Experiences
- Quarterly Resident Retreats on Wednesday Mornings (mentor meetings, career development sessions, team-building sessions)
- Generous conference policy including first and third year attendance at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Additional conference opportunities exist and all residents are encouraged to present papers at specialty meetings within dermatology, such as dermatology surgery, skin of color conferences, dermatopathology and pediatric dermatology. Residents are required to submit an abstract to attend national conferences.
- Elective experiences are available to second and third year dermatology residents.
- Enhanced focus on diversity and community engagement including a Skin of Color curriculum and addressing disparities in dermatology.

Duke-UNC Conference
These conferences are held four times a year at Duke and UNC. Residents and faculty from both training programs, in addition to local dermatologists, regularly attend.
Duke-UNC Conference - 2024-2025 Schedule
Visiting Professors
Each year three visiting professors of national and international reputation are invited for special two-day courses. Work schedules are interrupted so that maximum attendance can be achieved. Visiting professors' interaction with residents is maximized with meals, lectures, and conferences. List of past visiting professors