Third Year Resident
Start Year
What are your career interests?
General dermatology, skin of color, procedural dermatology and lasers, social media in dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, healthcare disparities
Why did you choose Duke for residency training?
I have been lucky to be a part of the Duke family since my time as an undergrad. The kindness, humility and collaborative nature of the people at this institution is what has kept me here. Our program upholds an exceptional commitment to academics in the various subspecialties within dermatology, collaboration and dedication to a widely diverse patient population. It is an honor to complete my dermatology training at Duke.
Education & Training
Duke University Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, B.S., Biology, 2016.
Duke University School of Medicine, M.D., 2021.
Internal Medicine, Duke University, 2021 - 2022.
Residency: Dermatology, Duke University, 2022 – 2025.
Awards & Honors
- Feagin Leadership Program Scholar, Duke University School of Medicine,2019-2020.
- Roberson Scholar Finalist, Duke University, 2012.
- Cum Laude Honors: D.uke University Trinity College of Arts & Sciences,2016.
Publications & Presentations
- Yao H, Warner M, Price T, Olivere L, Cantelli G, Ridge S, Ngo B, Ravichandran S, Tannheimer S, Chenn A, Sipkins DA. (2017). Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells Bypass the Blood Brain Barrier to Enter the CNS Via a Neuronal Developmental Pathway. Blood.
- Ramirez M, Ravichandran S, Ronald L, Pabon-Ramos WM, Smith TP, Kim, CY, Ronald J. (2019). Recognition and management of dermatologic complications from interventional radiology procedures. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging.
- Darling AJ, Ravichandran S, McCree C, Gloria J, Liles J, Cheah J. (2020). Patient Stories: Humans of the Hospital. Alphagraphics Publishing.
- Ravichandran S, Kheterpal MK. (2020). Apremilast for the Off-Label Treatment of Lichenoid and Interface Dermatoses. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.
- Hu JB, Ravichandran S, Rushing C, Beasley G, Hanks BA, Jung S, Salama AK, Ho L, Mosca PJ. (2020). Higher BMI, But Not Sarcopenia, Is Associated with Pembrolizumab-Related Toxicity in Patients with Advanced Melanoma. Anticancer Research.
- Hu JB, Masoud SJ, Ravichandran S, Mosca PJ. (2020). Retreatment with Talimogene Laherparepvec for Unresectable Melanoma. Future Medicine: Immunotherapy.
- Ravichandran S, Nath N, Jones DC, Li G, Suresh V, Hanks BA, Beasley G, Salama AK, Howard BA, Mosca PJ. (2020) The Utility of Initial Staging PET-CT as a Baseline Scan for Surveillance Imaging in Stage II and Stage III Melanoma. Surgical Oncology.
- Patel A, Ravichandran S, Kheterpal MK. (2021) Efficacy of Combined Hedgehog Inhibitors with and without Adjunctive Therapy in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma. International Journal of Dermatology.
- Ravichandran S, Eldik H, Selim MA, Nicholas M. Miliarial Gout in an Immunocompromised Patient. (accepted for publication in Cutis).
- Flynn S, Robinson C, Ravichandran S, Liu B, Green C, Pavlis M. Clinicopathologic Characteristics of Melanoma in Parkinson’s Disease Patients. (submitted to JID Innovations).
Oral presentations
- Ravichandran S, Hu JB, Rushing C, Beasley G, Hanks BA, Jung S, Salama AK, Ho L, Mosca PJ. Impact of Obesity and Body Parameters on Pembrolizumab Toxicity and Efficacy in Patients with Advanced Melanoma. American Academy of Dermatology 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting March 21, 2020.
- Yao H, Warner M, Price T, Olivere L, Cantelli G, Ridge S, Ngo B, Ravichandran S, Tannheimer S, Chenn A, Sipkins D. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells Bypass the Blood Brain Barrier to Enter the CNS Pathway Via a Neuronal Development Pathway. American Society of Hematology 2017 59th Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA December 9, 2017.
Poster Presentations
- Ravichandran S, Jones DC, Nath N, Patel PS, Porras D, Kennedy LB, Howard BA, Salama AK, Mosca, PJ. The Role of Surveillance Imaging in Melanoma Patients Treated with PD-1 Inhibitors Pembrolizumab and Nivolumab. 51st Annual Duke School of Medicine Student Research Symposium, Durham NC August 7, 2020.
- Ravichandran S, Jones DC, Nath N, Patel PS, Porras D, Kennedy LB, Howard BA, Salama AK, Mosca, PJ. The Role of Surveillance Imaging in Melanoma Patients Treated with PD-1 Inhibitors Pembrolizumab and Nivolumab. Duke University School of Medicine Virtual Research Week 2020, Durham NC October 8, 2020.
Dr. Surya Patel has a weekly clinic in our resident continuity clinic at the Durham VA. This clinic is run by both resident and attending physicians at the Durham VA. To make an appointment with Dr. Surya Patel, please call 919-684-3432 (if at VA, change to 919-416-8070).