Duke Dermatology 1937 - 2010
On July 1, 1937, Dr. J. Lamar Callaway returned to Duke University School of Medicine to become the head of dermatology. Dr. Cal was 26 years old and remained head of the division of dermatology until 1975. Some of the important events over the last 73 years are presented below.
1925: James B. Duke establishes, through bequest, Duke University School of Medicine, Duke School of Nursing and Duke Hospital.
1927: Construction begins on Duke Hospital and Dr. Wilburt Davidson is elected Dean of Duke University School of Medicine and Duke Hospital.
1930: Construction begins on Duke Chapel and will be completed in 1935.

Duke University Archives
July 21, 1930: Duke Hospital opens its doors for the first time.
October 2, 1930: The first class of medical students begin their training at Duke University.
June 21, 1931: Jasper Lamer Callaway joins the Duke University School of Medicine as a 'junior'; transferring his 2 years of medical school training at the University of Alabama.
September 1932: Dr. Frederic M. Hanes tells Dr. Callaway, then a senior medical student, that he is going to be the dermatologist for Duke University School of Medicine. Senior Medical Student Callaway was then accepted at the Department of Dermatology of the University of Pennsylvania under Dr. John H. Stokes for further training.
June 7, 1933: J. Lamar Callaway graduates from Duke University School of Medicine.
July 1933 - January 1935: Dr. Callaway serves as intern and junior resident in internal medicine at Duke University Hospital.

Duke University Archives
January 1935: Dr. Callaway returns to Alabama to help teach and direct the development of physical diagnosis in preparation for the opening of the University of Alabama School of Medicine in September of 1935.
July 1, 1935: Dr. J. Lamar Callaway begins his dermatology training at the University of Pennsylvania after internship and residency in Medicine at Duke University.
Spring 1937: Dr. Callaway is asked by Dr. John Stokes to join, Dr. Marion Sulzberger, Dr. Donald M. Pillsbury, Dr. Samuel W. Becker, Dr. Samuel M. Peck and Dr. Sigmund S. Greenbaum on their discussion the resulted in the founding of the Society of Investigative Dermatology.
June 1937: Dr. Callaway publishes his first article in the Archives of Dermatology; Use of ethyl esters of chaulmoogra oil in the treatment of lupus erythematosus. Arch Dermat & Syph. 35:1138 - 1139, 1937.