Duke Dermatology Diversity and Community Engagement Residency Position (1529080A2)

The Duke Dermatology Diversity and Community Engagement residency position is offered to one residency applicant per year.  Although no additional application information is required to apply for our Diversity and Community Engagement residency position, please do be sure to highlight your past accomplishments in these areas in your personal statement. We are interested to hear about your personal goals as they pertain to diversity and community engagement within the field of Dermatology.  See below for Eligible Candidate Characteristics.


Developing a diverse workforce in dermatology and one versed in the skills to support patients of multicultural backgrounds is a nationwide goal and a challenge. Our specialty needs dermatologists from all backgrounds to improve the quality and quantity of clinical and research projects focused on diverse populations, to improve the medical education of our residents and other learners, and to foster better understanding and health of the rich cultural community in which we live and work.

Residents at City of Medicine High School talk


  • Increase awareness of issues related to underserved and under-represented populations in our community, social determinants of health, and to increase dermatologic care for these populations
  • Increase availability of training opportunities for dermatology residents in the needs of underserved and under-represented populations, the methods for enhancing care of these populations, and to encourage academic investigation into these issues

Eligible candidate characteristics include:

  • Demonstration of interest and engagement in activities aimed at research, educational program development, leadership roles,  and/or community engagement specific to health equity, advocacy and/or community interactions during their educational career
  • Demonstration of a commitment to serving diverse populations in the clinical or medical education setting, research arena, and/or local community after residency
    Resident at City of Medicine High School activity

Program characteristics:

  • Residents in this position will participate in all aspects of the Duke Dermatology residency training program as currently approved by ACGME
  • Educational content focused on diversity, community engagement, social determinants of health, and inclusion is developed for all dermatology residents and is part of our standard dermatology curriculum
  • Residents with interest in diverse populations health equity, inclusion and community engagement will be encouraged and supported to complete electives and design individual projects in areas directly related to their interests in these realms
  • While the Diversity and Community Engagement-designated resident is supported and encouraged to develop focused interest in health equity-related activities, they are not given additional responsibilities or expectations beyond those within the general residency track