First Year Resident
Start Year
What are your career interests?
General dermatology, skin cancer, hidradenitis suppurativa, cardiovascular risk in dermatological conditions.
Why did you choose Duke for residency training?
When I rotated at Duke as a medical student, I felt supported in my interests. I could see how genuinely excited all the attendings were to teach. With the cutting edge research and world experts in multiple areas of dermatology, I knew I would get the training necessary for me to feel confident in whatever I pursue in the future.
Education & Training
Undergraduate: Mount Holyoke, BA, Neuroscience, 2009
Graduate School: University of Alabama at Birmingham, PhD, 2015
Medical School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, MD, 2023
Internship: Harnett Health, Dunn NC, 2023-2024
Residency: Dermatology, Duke University, 2024 - 2027
Awards & Honors
- American Heart Association Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 7/1/2017 – 7/30/2019. “Understanding the effect of the deletion of CXCL5 on atherosclerosis”
- American Heart Association Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, 7/1/2013 – 6/30/2015. The role of mitochondrial DNA in oxidative stress and bioenergetics function of monocytes and macrophages”
- First Place Graduate Student Research Day Oral Presentations, University of Alabama at Birmingham, (February 2015)
- First Place Pathology Trainee Research Day Poster Presentations, University of Alabama at Birmingham, (October 2014)
- Center for Free Radical Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Travel Award (January 2014)
- First Place Pathology Trainee Research Day Poster Presentations, University of Alabama at Birmingham, (October 2013)
- Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Travel Award (September 2013)
- Center for Free Radical Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Travel Award (September 2013)
- Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Travel Award (September 2012)
- Center for Free Radical Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Travel Award (September 2012)
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF), Mayo Clinic, Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Summer 2008)
- Dean’s List, Mount Holyoke College (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008)
- Member, Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology (Fall 2007)
- Sarah Williston Scholar, Mount Holyoke College, Awarded to top 15% of class at end of sophomore year (Fall 2007)
- Award for Excellence in Biology, Mount Holyoke College (2005-2006)
Publications & Presentations
- Ravi, S., Miles, J.A., Steele, C., Christiansen, MK., Sayed, CJ. Patient Impressions and Outcomes After Clinic-Based Hidradenitis Suppurativa Surgery. (2021). JAMA Dermatology, 158(2):132-141.
- Ravi, S., Sayed, C.J. Fibrotic Signaling Pathways of Skin Fibroblasts in Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis. (2019). Current Geriatrics Reports, 8:338–345.
- Ravi, S., Willis, MS., Schisler, JC. “Fibrotic Signaling in Cardiomyopathies.” Fibrosis in Disease An Organ-Based Guide to Disease Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Considerations, edited by Willis, MS., Yates, CC., Schisler, JC, Springer, 2019, 273-317.
- Shi, C., Rubel, C., Soss, SE., Sanchez-Hodge, R., Zhang, S., Madrigal, SC., Ravi, S., McDonough, H., Page, RC., Chazin, WJ., Patterson, C., Mao, C., Willis, MS., Luo, H., Stevens, DA., Tang, M., Du, P., Wang, Y., Hu, Z., Xu, Y., Schisler, JC. Disrupted structure and aberrant function of CHIP mediates the loss of motor and cognitive function in preclinical models of SCAR16. (2018). PLoS Genetics, 14(9): e1007664.
- Rangarajan, S., Bone, NB., Zmijewska, AA., Jiang, S., Park, DW., Bernard, K., Locy, ML., Ravi, S., Deshane, J., Mannon, RB., Abraham, E., Darley-Usmar, V., Thannickal, VJ., Zmijewski, JW. Metformin reverses established lung fibrosis in a bleomycin model. (2018). Nature Medicine, 24(8):1121-1127.
- Redmann, M, Benavides, GA., Wani, WY., Berryhill, TF., Ouyang, X., Johnson, MS., Ravi, S., Mitra, K., Barnes, S., Darley-Usmar, VM., Zhang, J. (2018). Methods for assessing mitochondrial quality control mechanisms and cellular consequences in cell culture. Redox Biol, 17:59-69.
- Ravi, S., Parry, TL., Willis, MS., Lockyer, P., Patterson, C., Bain, JR., Stevens, RD., Ilkayeva, OR., Newgard, CB., Schisler, JC. Adverse Effects of Fenofibrate in Mice Deficient in the Protein Quality Control Regulator, CHIP. (2018). J Cardiovasc Dev Dis, 5(3):43.
- Ravi, S., Schuck, RN., Hilliard, E., Lee, CR., Dai, X., Lenhart, K., Willis, MS., Jensen, BC., Stouffer, GA., Patterson, C., Schisler, JC. Clinical Evidence Supports a Protective Role for CXCL5 in Coronary Artery Disease. (2017). Am J Pathol, 187(12):2895-2911.
- Redmann, M., Benavides, G.A., Berryhill, T.F., Wani, W.Y., Ouyang, X., Johnson, M.S., Ravi, S., Barnes, S., Darley-Usmar, V.M., Zhang, J. Inhibition of autophagy with baflomycin and chloroquine decreases mitochondrial quality and bioenergetic function in primary neurons. (2017). Redox Biol, 11:73-81.
- Chacko, B.K., Wall, S.B., Kramer, P.A., Ravi, S., Mitchell, T., Johnson, M.S., Wilson, L., Barnes, S., Landar, A., Darley-Usmar, V.M. Pleiotropic effects of 4-hydroxynonenal on oxidative burst and phagocytosis in neutrophils. (2016). Redox Biol, 9:57-66.
- Slatter, D.A., Aldrovandi, M., O’Connor, A., Allen, S., Brasher, C., Murphy, R.C., Mecklemann, S., Ravi, S., Darley-Usmar, V. and O’Donnell, V.B. Mapping the human platelet lipidome reveals a wealth of novel species, and reveals cytosolic phospholipase A2 as a regulator of mitochondrial bioenergetics. Cell Metabolism, 23(5):930-44.
- Ravi, S., Johnson, M.S., Chacko, B., Kramer, P.A., Sawada. H., Locy, M.L., Wilson, L.S., Barnes, S., Marques, M.M., Darley-Usmar, V.M. Defining the bioenergetics of the platelet storage lesion. Modification of platelet proteins by 4-hydroxynonenal: Potential Mechanisms for inhibition of aggregation and metabolism. (2016). Free Radic Biol Med, 91:143-53.
- Ravi, S., Chacko, B., Kramer, P.A., Sawada. H., Johnson, M.S., Zhi, D., Marques, M.M., Darley-Usmar, V.M. Defining the effects of storage on platelet bioenergetics: The role of increased proton leak. (2015). Biochim Biophys Acta, 1852(11):2525-34.
- Bernard, K., Logsdon, N.J., Ravi, S., Xie, N., Persons, B.P., Rangarajan, S., Zimjewski, J.W., Mitra, K., Liu, G., Darley-Usmar, V.M. and Thannickal, V.J. Metabolic Reprogramming is Required for Myofibroblast Contractility and Differentiation. (2015). The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290(42):25427-38.
- Kramer, P. A., Prichard, L., Chacko, B., Ravi, S., Overton, E.T., Heath, S. and Darley-Usmar, V.M. Inhibition of the lymphocyte metabolic switch by the neutrophil oxidative burst. (2015). Clinical Science. 129(6):489-504.
- Ravi, S., Chacko, B., Sawada, H., Kramer, P.A., Johnson, M.S., Benavides, G.A., O’Donnell, V., Marques, M.B. and Darley-Usmar, V.M. Metabolic Plasticity in Resting and Thrombin Activated Platelets. (2015). Plos One, 10(4):e0123597.
- Hu, S., Danilov, A.V., Godek, K., Orr, B., Tafe, L.J., Rodriguez-Canales, J., Behrens, C., Mino, B., Moran, C.A., Memoli, V.A., Mustachio, L.M., Galimberti, F., Ravi, S., DeCastro, A., Lu, Y., Sekula, D., Andrew. A.S., Wistuba, I.I., Freemantle, S., Compton, D.A., Dmitrovsky, E. CDK2 Inhibition Causes Anaphase Catastrophe in Lung Cancer through the Centrosomal Protein CP110. (2015). Cancer Research, 75(10):2029-38
- Jiang, S, Park D.W., Gao, Y., Ravi, S., Darley-Usmar, V.M., Edward Abraham, E., and Zmijewski, J.W. Participation of proteasome-ubiquitin protein degradation in autophagy and the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase. (2015). Cellular Signaling, 27(6):1186-97
- Kramer, P.A., Chacko, B., Ravi, S., Johnson, M.S., Mitchell, T., Barnes, S., Arabshahi, A., Dell'italia, L., George, D., Steele, C., George, J., Darley-Usmar, V.M. and Melby, S. Hemoglobin-associated Oxidative Stress in the Pericardial Compartment of Post-operative Cardiac Surgery Patients. (2015). Laboratory Investigation, 95(2):132-41.
- Giordano, S., Dodson, M., Ravi, S., Redmann, M., Ouyang, X., Darley-Usmar, V.M., Zhang, J. Bioenergetic adaptation in response to autophagy regulators during rotenone exposure. (2014). Journal of Neurochemistry, 131(5): 625-33.
- Chacko, B.K., Kramer, P.A., Ravi, S., Benavides, G.A., Mitchell, T., Dranka, B.P., Ferrick, D., Singla, A.S., Ballinger, S.W., Bailey, S.M, Hardy, R.W., Zhang, J, Zhi, D, Darley-Usmar, V.M. The Bioenergetic Health Index: a new concept in mitochondrial translational research. (2014). Clinical Science, 127:367-373.
- Ravi, S.*, Mitchell, T.*, Kramer, P.A., Chacko, B. and Darley-Usmar, V.M. Mitochondria in Monocytes and Macrophages-Implications for Translational and Basic Research. (2014). International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 53: 202-207.*Authors contributed equally to the work.
- Kramer, P.A., Chacko, B.K., Ravi, S., Johnson, M.S., Mitchell, T, Darley-Usmar, V.M. Bioenergetics and the oxidative burst: protocols for the isolation and evaluation of human leukocytes and platelets. (2014). Journal of Visualized Experiments, (85).
- Kramer, P.A.*, Ravi, S.*, Chacko, B.K., Johnson, M.S., Darley-Usmar, V.M. A review of the mitochondrial and glycolytic metabolism in human platelets and leukocytes: Implications for their use as bioenergetic biomarkers. (2014). Redox Biology, 2:206-210.*Authors contributed equally to the work.
- Jiang, S, Park, D.W., Stigler, W.S., Creighton, J., Ravi, S., Darley-Usmar V.M., Zmijewski, J.W. (2013). Mitochondria and AMP-activated protein kinase-dependent mechanism of efferocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288(36):26013-26.
- Chacko, B.K., Kramer, P.A., Ravi, S., Johnson, M.S., Hardy, R.W., Ballinger, S.W., Darley-Usmar, V.M. Methods for defining distinct bioenergetic profiles in platelets, lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils, and the oxidative burst from human blood. (2013). Laboratory Investigation, 93(6):690-700.
- Mollmark, J.I. *, Ravi, S. *, Sun, B., Shipman, S., Buitendijk, M., Simons, M., and Mulligan-Kehoe, MJ. The anti-angiogenic activity of rPAI-123 promotes vasa vasorum regression in atherogenic mice through a plasmin-dependent mechanism. (2011). Circulation Research, 108(12):1419-28. *Authors contributed equally to the work.
- Kim, C., Srivastava, S., Rice, M., Godenschwege, T.A., Bentley, B., Ravi, S., Shao, S., Woodard, C., and Schwartz, L.M. (2011). Expression of human amyloid precursor protein in the skeletal muscles of Drosophila results in age- and activity-dependent muscle weakness. BMC Physiology, 11(1):7.
- Galimberti, F., Thompson, S.L., Ravi, S., Compton, D.A., and Dmitrovsky, E. Anaphase catastrophe is target for cancer therapy. (2011). Clinical Cancer Research, 17(6):1218-22. Wang, L., Ellsworth, K.A., Moon, I., Pelleymounter, L.L., Eckloff, B.W., Martin, Y.N., Fridley, B.L., Jenkins, G.D., Batzler, A., Suman, V.J., Ravi, S., Dixon, J.M., Miller, W.R., Wieben, E.D., Buzdar, A., Weinshilboum, R.M., Ingle, J.N. (2010). Functional genetic polymorphisms in the aromatase gene CYP19 vary the response of breast cancer patients to neoadjuvant therapy with aromatase inhibitors. Cancer Research, 70(1):319-28.
Invited oral presentations
- Experimental Biology, April 2nd-6th 2016, San Diego, CA
- XG Users’ Group Meeting, March 2nd-4th 2015, Birmingham, AL
- Gordon Research Conference on Oxygen Radicals, February 9th-14th 2014, Ventura, CA